Germany's proposals for peace The Charge' d'Affaires in France to the Foreign Ministry - Germany's proposals for peace Source: Documents on German Foreign Policy vol. V, p.376. Telegram No. 189 of April 2 PARIS, April 3, 1936 - [9:30 a.m.] Received April 3 - 10:35 a.m. IIR 928 One of the main arguments which is being generally used in the Paris press (which is almost unanimous in sharply rejecting the new German proposals), is the assertion that the positive proposals for the pacification of Europe do not inspire confidence, because their sole object is the creation of a " pax germanica ", in other words the reorganisation of Europe in accordance with German wishes, German interests and German methods. As proof of this the press is trying to adduce certain quotations from the German press. At present it seems to me by no means certain that the people are rejecting the positive part of the German proposals with the same unanimity as the press. To make it easier for the more objectively thinking portion of the population to formulate its views, it would be desirable for the German press, when commenting on the proposals, not to give prominence to the idea that Germany wishes to bring about the reorganisation of Europe in the light of new ideas, but rather for it to expound Germany's intention to make use of the knowledge gained from long years of bitter experience in international politics, in order to eliminate wild and fruitless ideas form the welter of previous political principles and demands and to place the emphasis on practical work. FORSTER